Saturday 1 March 2008


Yesterday was the orienation day for UWA and as usual, our church set up a stall there to welcome new students, invite them to our church through different welcoming events (like the Beach Games today and the Welcome Dinner next Friday), and also to share the Gospel.

I joined the group late, but a bunch of them started at 7:15am(!) for a prayer session at church before heading over to UWA (you guys are soldiers!). It was a warm day because even at 9:30ish when I arrived, I had already started to feel the beads of sweat accumulate on my nose. It was hot! And it pretty much stayed hot all day (as you can see in the pics below, everyone has a shine on their skin). But it was worth braving the heat because we had an awesome response from the Freshies.

Our little stall was nestled between some Indian dancing group and the rather rowdy 'Leisure' group (complete with wading pool full of jelly and other organic substances I'm sure! Might have been a good way to deal with the heat, but might not have been too). We weren't located in the 'Religous Corridor' as usual which we all thought was a mixed blessing - less 'competition', more traffic, but more erm, other stuff (like the guy a couple of stalls down from us who was wearing an apron... by itself *shudder*). We also had a monopoly on sunscreen it seemed, because even a guy from St John Ambulance came up to us and asked if it was OK if he sent people to our stall to get sunscreen (we eagerly said 'yes').

This year we organised proper sandwich boards (well, proper compared to last year's makeshift carboard + permanent marker style sandwich board) to 'advertise' the Beach Games and Welcome Dinner. We also brought with us costumes and props to go with the boards! (the Chef outfit Victor wore all day may not have been the best thing to wear while standing in the heat, but it was consistent with the 'theme' of the Welcome Dinner sandwich board). We also gave out invites to the events (really pretty ones designed by the talented Ms Angeline Yong) sunscreen (as I mentioned before), ice cold drinks, and mentos.

Thank God for the turnout, for the people we met and for giving us all the energy we needed to withstand the heat (He provided us with lots of free drinks throughout the day and sent us a few nice sea breezes to cool us down too).

A few of us took an annual leave off work to serve at O'Day and we all agreed that it was well worth the sacrifice. We will all keep praying that God will continue to add His blessings on our efforts.

Photos courtesy of Truc Pham (photographer extraordinaire)

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Saturday 1 March 2008


Yesterday was the orienation day for UWA and as usual, our church set up a stall there to welcome new students, invite them to our church through different welcoming events (like the Beach Games today and the Welcome Dinner next Friday), and also to share the Gospel.

I joined the group late, but a bunch of them started at 7:15am(!) for a prayer session at church before heading over to UWA (you guys are soldiers!). It was a warm day because even at 9:30ish when I arrived, I had already started to feel the beads of sweat accumulate on my nose. It was hot! And it pretty much stayed hot all day (as you can see in the pics below, everyone has a shine on their skin). But it was worth braving the heat because we had an awesome response from the Freshies.

Our little stall was nestled between some Indian dancing group and the rather rowdy 'Leisure' group (complete with wading pool full of jelly and other organic substances I'm sure! Might have been a good way to deal with the heat, but might not have been too). We weren't located in the 'Religous Corridor' as usual which we all thought was a mixed blessing - less 'competition', more traffic, but more erm, other stuff (like the guy a couple of stalls down from us who was wearing an apron... by itself *shudder*). We also had a monopoly on sunscreen it seemed, because even a guy from St John Ambulance came up to us and asked if it was OK if he sent people to our stall to get sunscreen (we eagerly said 'yes').

This year we organised proper sandwich boards (well, proper compared to last year's makeshift carboard + permanent marker style sandwich board) to 'advertise' the Beach Games and Welcome Dinner. We also brought with us costumes and props to go with the boards! (the Chef outfit Victor wore all day may not have been the best thing to wear while standing in the heat, but it was consistent with the 'theme' of the Welcome Dinner sandwich board). We also gave out invites to the events (really pretty ones designed by the talented Ms Angeline Yong) sunscreen (as I mentioned before), ice cold drinks, and mentos.

Thank God for the turnout, for the people we met and for giving us all the energy we needed to withstand the heat (He provided us with lots of free drinks throughout the day and sent us a few nice sea breezes to cool us down too).

A few of us took an annual leave off work to serve at O'Day and we all agreed that it was well worth the sacrifice. We will all keep praying that God will continue to add His blessings on our efforts.

Photos courtesy of Truc Pham (photographer extraordinaire)

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