Wednesday 24 October 2007

the bees' knees

This is just a little post to show off some little guests in our garden. My folks have developed green thumbs recently and have bought a whole heap of flowers and have been growing more plants etc. The other day, my Dad excitedly came to me after I got back from work and told me to come outside and look at something. And this is what that something was...

BEES! A whole freakin hive of them!! Gross! They moved into our barbeque in the space of a day or two! I got a little bit excited and started to talk to Mum about how we would have free honey! But as I thought about ways in which I could get my hands on that sweet sweeeeet honey without being stung to death, but before I could say Wescobee-eat-your-heart-out, my Mum told me that she had asked a friend about the whole bee situation and apprently, if the bees don't reckon the new hive is the bees' knees, they will pack up and move on to another location... (Phew! that was a long sentence!) And lo and behold, today as I went out to check on the hive, the bees had moved in behind our fishpond. No pictures of that, it was too dark back there, you could only see them fly out of the hole.

So that's my story about the bees. No stings, no deadly swarms, no photos (of the bees' new place) and no honey. But it was pretty cool anyway - don't ya reckon?

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Wednesday 24 October 2007

the bees' knees

This is just a little post to show off some little guests in our garden. My folks have developed green thumbs recently and have bought a whole heap of flowers and have been growing more plants etc. The other day, my Dad excitedly came to me after I got back from work and told me to come outside and look at something. And this is what that something was...

BEES! A whole freakin hive of them!! Gross! They moved into our barbeque in the space of a day or two! I got a little bit excited and started to talk to Mum about how we would have free honey! But as I thought about ways in which I could get my hands on that sweet sweeeeet honey without being stung to death, but before I could say Wescobee-eat-your-heart-out, my Mum told me that she had asked a friend about the whole bee situation and apprently, if the bees don't reckon the new hive is the bees' knees, they will pack up and move on to another location... (Phew! that was a long sentence!) And lo and behold, today as I went out to check on the hive, the bees had moved in behind our fishpond. No pictures of that, it was too dark back there, you could only see them fly out of the hole.

So that's my story about the bees. No stings, no deadly swarms, no photos (of the bees' new place) and no honey. But it was pretty cool anyway - don't ya reckon?

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