Thursday 8 November 2007


Thought I might add a bit of an educational element to my blog. Vocab-boost. I will post up some new words every now and then that I will try to add to my vocabulary (or ones that are just fun), and you, the reader, can also learn with me too! Definitions come from (love this site)

Here are the first lot:

woolgathering \WOOL-gath-(uh)-ring\, noun:
Indulgence in idle daydreaming.
e.g. Rowena was woolgathering instead of cleaning her room

sagacious \suh-GAY-shus\, adjective:
Of keen penetration and judgment; discerning and judicious; knowing; shrewd; wise.
e.g. She was very impressed by the sagacious comments from Caleb

triskaidekaphobia \tris-ky-dek-uh-FOH-bee-uh\, noun:
A morbid fear of the number 13 or the date Friday the 13th.
e.g. Triskaidekaphobia is a foreign concept to the Christian as he/she trusts in God and has no reason to fear

claque \KLACK\, noun:
A group of fawning admirers.
e.g. Rowena's claque was at it again, following her around like a bad smell :D

introspection \in-truh-SPEK-shuhn\, noun:
The act or process of self-examination; contemplation of one's own thoughts and feelings; a looking inward.
e.g. It is wise to invest one's time into regular spiritual introspection

spurious \SPYUR-ee-uhs\, adjective:
Not proceeding from the true or claimed source; not genuine; false.
e.g. The claims of Mr Rudd's political capabilities were clearly spurious

eschew \es-CHOO\, transitive verb:
To shun; to avoid (as something wrong or distasteful).
e.g. She endeavoured to eschew temptation, and take the route around the shops rather than through the shops.

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Thursday 8 November 2007


Thought I might add a bit of an educational element to my blog. Vocab-boost. I will post up some new words every now and then that I will try to add to my vocabulary (or ones that are just fun), and you, the reader, can also learn with me too! Definitions come from (love this site)

Here are the first lot:

woolgathering \WOOL-gath-(uh)-ring\, noun:
Indulgence in idle daydreaming.
e.g. Rowena was woolgathering instead of cleaning her room

sagacious \suh-GAY-shus\, adjective:
Of keen penetration and judgment; discerning and judicious; knowing; shrewd; wise.
e.g. She was very impressed by the sagacious comments from Caleb

triskaidekaphobia \tris-ky-dek-uh-FOH-bee-uh\, noun:
A morbid fear of the number 13 or the date Friday the 13th.
e.g. Triskaidekaphobia is a foreign concept to the Christian as he/she trusts in God and has no reason to fear

claque \KLACK\, noun:
A group of fawning admirers.
e.g. Rowena's claque was at it again, following her around like a bad smell :D

introspection \in-truh-SPEK-shuhn\, noun:
The act or process of self-examination; contemplation of one's own thoughts and feelings; a looking inward.
e.g. It is wise to invest one's time into regular spiritual introspection

spurious \SPYUR-ee-uhs\, adjective:
Not proceeding from the true or claimed source; not genuine; false.
e.g. The claims of Mr Rudd's political capabilities were clearly spurious

eschew \es-CHOO\, transitive verb:
To shun; to avoid (as something wrong or distasteful).
e.g. She endeavoured to eschew temptation, and take the route around the shops rather than through the shops.

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