Sunday 22 June 2008

vegetable soup

I made soup for the first time today - and it wasn't out of a can! That's right people - yours truly made soup from scratch - and it was edible! OK, before you all get the wrong idea and I continue to confirm beliefs that I don't know the right end of a spatula, I should let you all know that after watching hours and hours of cooking shows (love-love-LOVE cooking shows) and having a history of helping my mum in the kitchen (when I was younger), I do have some kind of working knowledge when it comes to cooking - I just don't choose to use it because I have two parents who both cook and I live at home.

But when the folks are away, Rowena will play (in the kitchen) - otherwise, she will be subjected to an endless foray of takeaway, junkfood, and leftovers. So I bought some vegies this afternoon, used up what we had in the fridge, and knocked up a pretty tasty soup - and I didn't even use a recipe!

It was pretty easy too - I just peeled and chopped 1/2 a butternut pumpkin, 2 big sweet potatoes, 1/2 cauliflower, 3 carrots, 1 and 1/2 onions and boiled them all together in a big pot. I then, added in 2 cubes of beef stock, 1 cube of chicken stock, about 2 or 3 tablespoons of curry powder, 2 beaten eggs, some milk, and some salt & pepper into the mix (tasting and mixing it up along the way). After a while, when everything was getting mushy, I took the pot off the stove and used one of those hand-mixer things to whizz everything together.

The result?

Not bad eh? If I ever do this again, I would probably add more pumpkin and less carrot, but it was still pretty good for a first-shot. And yes, much healthier than a trip to Wong's or Mickey-D's.

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Sunday 22 June 2008

vegetable soup

I made soup for the first time today - and it wasn't out of a can! That's right people - yours truly made soup from scratch - and it was edible! OK, before you all get the wrong idea and I continue to confirm beliefs that I don't know the right end of a spatula, I should let you all know that after watching hours and hours of cooking shows (love-love-LOVE cooking shows) and having a history of helping my mum in the kitchen (when I was younger), I do have some kind of working knowledge when it comes to cooking - I just don't choose to use it because I have two parents who both cook and I live at home.

But when the folks are away, Rowena will play (in the kitchen) - otherwise, she will be subjected to an endless foray of takeaway, junkfood, and leftovers. So I bought some vegies this afternoon, used up what we had in the fridge, and knocked up a pretty tasty soup - and I didn't even use a recipe!

It was pretty easy too - I just peeled and chopped 1/2 a butternut pumpkin, 2 big sweet potatoes, 1/2 cauliflower, 3 carrots, 1 and 1/2 onions and boiled them all together in a big pot. I then, added in 2 cubes of beef stock, 1 cube of chicken stock, about 2 or 3 tablespoons of curry powder, 2 beaten eggs, some milk, and some salt & pepper into the mix (tasting and mixing it up along the way). After a while, when everything was getting mushy, I took the pot off the stove and used one of those hand-mixer things to whizz everything together.

The result?

Not bad eh? If I ever do this again, I would probably add more pumpkin and less carrot, but it was still pretty good for a first-shot. And yes, much healthier than a trip to Wong's or Mickey-D's.

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