Tuesday 12 February 2008

shopping for opportunities

I have wanted to go op-shopping for years, but never brought myself to go because I thought that it would be too gross to sort through a whole pile of stuff soiled with nasty stains and riddled with disease. But once again, my assumption was wrong.

It's actually really really fun, and so far, I haven't come across any nasty surprises! PHEW! In the past week, I have gone to the same place about four times (Good Sammy's Hay Street West - the East Shop is not as good. I was talking to the lady at the West shop and she told me they get all the good stuff out and then send the rest off to other stores like the one on Hay St East). I guess you can call me a regular there now. And every time I have gone, I have bought something too! The twins have blogged about this previously, and have already made a pretty good summary about what op-shopping is all about and all the reasons why you should go so I will just leave you to read it here if you are interested.

Ka-ruth mentioned in their blog that you could get branded stuff at Op Shops but I was skeptical (I thought they meant brands as in Target and Suzannae Grae). They also mentioned that a lot of stuff had tags still attached (again, I was a tad suspicious about this claim). But when I went last week with Julsies to check it out - I was pleasantly surprised. Long story short, I saw brands - Cooper St, Top Shop, Peter Alexander, Wish, Levis (as well as Jacqui E, Portmans, Colorado, Sportsgirl, JeansWest and all those chain stores - oh yeah, and Target and Suzanne Grae! hehe) and heaps of stuff still had tags attached! Best of all was that Good Sammy's had 50% off all clothing for this month!

Dress by Wish - $5.25, Cooper St Top - $3.25, Peter Alexander PJ pants (new!) - $4.50, knowing you only paid a small fraction of the retail value - priceless!

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Tuesday 12 February 2008

shopping for opportunities

I have wanted to go op-shopping for years, but never brought myself to go because I thought that it would be too gross to sort through a whole pile of stuff soiled with nasty stains and riddled with disease. But once again, my assumption was wrong.

It's actually really really fun, and so far, I haven't come across any nasty surprises! PHEW! In the past week, I have gone to the same place about four times (Good Sammy's Hay Street West - the East Shop is not as good. I was talking to the lady at the West shop and she told me they get all the good stuff out and then send the rest off to other stores like the one on Hay St East). I guess you can call me a regular there now. And every time I have gone, I have bought something too! The twins have blogged about this previously, and have already made a pretty good summary about what op-shopping is all about and all the reasons why you should go so I will just leave you to read it here if you are interested.

Ka-ruth mentioned in their blog that you could get branded stuff at Op Shops but I was skeptical (I thought they meant brands as in Target and Suzannae Grae). They also mentioned that a lot of stuff had tags still attached (again, I was a tad suspicious about this claim). But when I went last week with Julsies to check it out - I was pleasantly surprised. Long story short, I saw brands - Cooper St, Top Shop, Peter Alexander, Wish, Levis (as well as Jacqui E, Portmans, Colorado, Sportsgirl, JeansWest and all those chain stores - oh yeah, and Target and Suzanne Grae! hehe) and heaps of stuff still had tags attached! Best of all was that Good Sammy's had 50% off all clothing for this month!

Dress by Wish - $5.25, Cooper St Top - $3.25, Peter Alexander PJ pants (new!) - $4.50, knowing you only paid a small fraction of the retail value - priceless!

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