Saturday 5 May 2007

from the tube...

Came across this during my random wanderings on Youtube. Brings back some great memories... MacGyver was an awesome show... He was like the Jack Bauer of the early 90s, with one of Hollywood's best mullets ever, and the ability to get himself out of pretty much any pickle he was in by using what was around him and improvising (he could have made an excellent OT...).

I love how he would always have like a massive bomb to diffuse and how his boss would always be around him hassling him while he used a toothpick, credit card and some chewing gum to diffuse a bomb. He would just say to the boss guy, 'I'm workin on it Pete!', and the little champion would get the bomb diffused with 2 secondsleft to spare!! The beauty of the show was that you knew he was going to get through the problem, you just weren't sure of how he was going to do it this time round. It never failed to keep me on the edge of my seat, and though predictable, it was great television.

Now I'm going to attempt to make an application about MacGyver to spiritual stuff. It may be a long shot, but here goes...

I guess in the same way, we as Christians can be like Pete in that we worry and fret about how God is going to get us out of a situation. We look at the 'bomb' we are facing and despair because we don't see how God can get us out of the pickle we have gotten ourselves into. Sometimes we even doubt and give up on the situation.

One thing I like to tell myself is that God has everything planned out for me already - He has written out my life in His will and my job is to just follow on the path that He has set for me. We all know that MacGyver episodes will always end well, and in the same way, we know that the end goal for our life will always end up for the best if we surrender our lives to God's control.

OK, the analogy has some holes in it, but the truth still remains that God is faithful and God is good - and knowing this, it makes it easier for us to trust in Him. Amen? So next time, we find ourselves bugging God about some kind of trial we are facing, we should know that He's workin' on it [insert name here]!' and have that faith to leave it in His hands!

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Saturday 5 May 2007

from the tube...

Came across this during my random wanderings on Youtube. Brings back some great memories... MacGyver was an awesome show... He was like the Jack Bauer of the early 90s, with one of Hollywood's best mullets ever, and the ability to get himself out of pretty much any pickle he was in by using what was around him and improvising (he could have made an excellent OT...).

I love how he would always have like a massive bomb to diffuse and how his boss would always be around him hassling him while he used a toothpick, credit card and some chewing gum to diffuse a bomb. He would just say to the boss guy, 'I'm workin on it Pete!', and the little champion would get the bomb diffused with 2 secondsleft to spare!! The beauty of the show was that you knew he was going to get through the problem, you just weren't sure of how he was going to do it this time round. It never failed to keep me on the edge of my seat, and though predictable, it was great television.

Now I'm going to attempt to make an application about MacGyver to spiritual stuff. It may be a long shot, but here goes...

I guess in the same way, we as Christians can be like Pete in that we worry and fret about how God is going to get us out of a situation. We look at the 'bomb' we are facing and despair because we don't see how God can get us out of the pickle we have gotten ourselves into. Sometimes we even doubt and give up on the situation.

One thing I like to tell myself is that God has everything planned out for me already - He has written out my life in His will and my job is to just follow on the path that He has set for me. We all know that MacGyver episodes will always end well, and in the same way, we know that the end goal for our life will always end up for the best if we surrender our lives to God's control.

OK, the analogy has some holes in it, but the truth still remains that God is faithful and God is good - and knowing this, it makes it easier for us to trust in Him. Amen? So next time, we find ourselves bugging God about some kind of trial we are facing, we should know that He's workin' on it [insert name here]!' and have that faith to leave it in His hands!

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