Tuesday 29 May 2007


Today I chucked a sickie from work. I didn't sleep the night before cos I had a really really bad sore throat, headache and a blocked nose. Well I pretty much slept the whoe day today, getting out of bed only to eat and to drink some vitamin C and honey - it was like I was in hibernation or something. I pretty much got out of bed at 5pm - which was funny cos it's my usual knock-off time - and am feeling pretty good now. Sore throat is still there but headache is gone and nose is heaps less mucousy haha...

Sorry if you have just lost your appetite :)

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Tuesday 29 May 2007


Today I chucked a sickie from work. I didn't sleep the night before cos I had a really really bad sore throat, headache and a blocked nose. Well I pretty much slept the whoe day today, getting out of bed only to eat and to drink some vitamin C and honey - it was like I was in hibernation or something. I pretty much got out of bed at 5pm - which was funny cos it's my usual knock-off time - and am feeling pretty good now. Sore throat is still there but headache is gone and nose is heaps less mucousy haha...

Sorry if you have just lost your appetite :)

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