Wednesday 6 June 2007

pride and performace reviews

I have a problem with pride... I really really do - and if you don't agree with me, well it just means that you're not as smart as I am and obviously not as perceptive! :P hehehee.. But seriously, I find myself comparing myself with other people all the time, and it is so automatic that it scares me. I often only realise it only after I have already compared myself to them and made subsequent judgements as to whether I am better or worse than they are. It's a dumb thing to admit to, but it's true! I try not to let my thoughts influence who I talk to and how I talk to them or what I do and how I do it, but unfortunately this happens quite often.

So when I was told that I have to self-rate myself for a Performance Review with my boss, I was quite conflicted in the way that I would respond to the KPIs on the form. Where is the line between self-confidence and pride anyway? Are they the same thing? Can we (if we have really done a good job at work) be truthful and humble at the same time? I know a lot of you will be saying right now, 'give the glory back to God' - but I find that this is a hard thing to do in the workplace. To make it harder, I have been told by people at work that I need to 'sell myself' and 'talk myself up', but I just feel proud when I try to do this. What do you guys reckon? Drop a comment with your thoughts - I'm interested to know.

Well anyway, I wanted to thank God also that the Performance Review went pretty well. My boss took me out for coffee and basically told me she was really happy with how I have been going and really spent time with me nutting out areas that I can develop more with training (she even mentioned a pay rise will be coming up next month - YAY!). It is such a blessing to have a nice boss - it really is. I have heard some absolute horror stories when it comes to bosses, but my bosses so far have both been really supportive, so friendly and not the slightest bit intimidating at all. I don't think I could handle having a mean boss in my job because I stuff things up quite often and I would just get busted non-stop. So thank God for Gen! (Good thing no one from work reads this blog - otherwise I would be harassed for sucking up hehehe)

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Wednesday 6 June 2007

pride and performace reviews

I have a problem with pride... I really really do - and if you don't agree with me, well it just means that you're not as smart as I am and obviously not as perceptive! :P hehehee.. But seriously, I find myself comparing myself with other people all the time, and it is so automatic that it scares me. I often only realise it only after I have already compared myself to them and made subsequent judgements as to whether I am better or worse than they are. It's a dumb thing to admit to, but it's true! I try not to let my thoughts influence who I talk to and how I talk to them or what I do and how I do it, but unfortunately this happens quite often.

So when I was told that I have to self-rate myself for a Performance Review with my boss, I was quite conflicted in the way that I would respond to the KPIs on the form. Where is the line between self-confidence and pride anyway? Are they the same thing? Can we (if we have really done a good job at work) be truthful and humble at the same time? I know a lot of you will be saying right now, 'give the glory back to God' - but I find that this is a hard thing to do in the workplace. To make it harder, I have been told by people at work that I need to 'sell myself' and 'talk myself up', but I just feel proud when I try to do this. What do you guys reckon? Drop a comment with your thoughts - I'm interested to know.

Well anyway, I wanted to thank God also that the Performance Review went pretty well. My boss took me out for coffee and basically told me she was really happy with how I have been going and really spent time with me nutting out areas that I can develop more with training (she even mentioned a pay rise will be coming up next month - YAY!). It is such a blessing to have a nice boss - it really is. I have heard some absolute horror stories when it comes to bosses, but my bosses so far have both been really supportive, so friendly and not the slightest bit intimidating at all. I don't think I could handle having a mean boss in my job because I stuff things up quite often and I would just get busted non-stop. So thank God for Gen! (Good thing no one from work reads this blog - otherwise I would be harassed for sucking up hehehe)

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