Tuesday 19 June 2007


I came across Josh Harris' blog tonight. Now this is a blog - I guess this comes from him being a writer, but the guy is gifted eh. One blog entry (you should really read this by the way - especially my fellow bloggers!) was about how blogs can be a distraction from the more important things in life and I would have to agree with him. I have found that blogging can not only be time-consuming, but also addictive, and I want to make sure that I am disciplined with how much time I spend doing this.

I originally started blogging as a way to consolidate the things that I have learnt in my spiritual walk, but occasionally I blog for the sake of blogging or just communicating my thoughts as if my blog was a shrink or something. Therefore, it is enough of a concern to flag and keep an active eye on. So yeah, if I don't blog as much, it's cos I am trying to do other things like listen to a sermon or spend time in my recently-sadly-neglected-reading-hole or with my friends and family (like all of you guys out there reading this - wouldn't it be better if I actually talked to you instead of you reading what I wrote?? :) maybe not.. hehe).

Don't worry everyone, I will keep blogging :) - I just won't be so blog-focussed from day to day. I do enjoy writing on this blog and I have become quite fond of it so I will definitely update it and give it the care and attention it deserves (which I now know is a little bit less that what I have been giving it haha). Maybe we'll try less quantity and more quality when it comes to posting (no promises about cutting out all the random stuff though - some things are SOOO random that I just have to share them). Hmmmm... maybe I might just keep my blogging habits as they are?... hahaha nah, just kidding.

OK, back to Mr Harris. Well as I was having a squizz at his blog, I came across some recent pictures of him hehehe - he looks quite different - I will call it Uncle Sonny syndrome :o hahaha. I also came across a link to a video on YouTube:

The video is about 8 minutes long and is about how our actions can be a stumbling block to the non-Christians who are trying to get to the cross. He makes some really good points and he seems like he is a pretty dynamic speaker too! Hope the video helps to open your eyes and encourages you to be the Christian that God wants you to be.

In the meantime, I am off to the heater to do some defrosting and reading. The reading hole is pretty cold on nights like these... even if I use my rug :o

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Tuesday 19 June 2007


I came across Josh Harris' blog tonight. Now this is a blog - I guess this comes from him being a writer, but the guy is gifted eh. One blog entry (you should really read this by the way - especially my fellow bloggers!) was about how blogs can be a distraction from the more important things in life and I would have to agree with him. I have found that blogging can not only be time-consuming, but also addictive, and I want to make sure that I am disciplined with how much time I spend doing this.

I originally started blogging as a way to consolidate the things that I have learnt in my spiritual walk, but occasionally I blog for the sake of blogging or just communicating my thoughts as if my blog was a shrink or something. Therefore, it is enough of a concern to flag and keep an active eye on. So yeah, if I don't blog as much, it's cos I am trying to do other things like listen to a sermon or spend time in my recently-sadly-neglected-reading-hole or with my friends and family (like all of you guys out there reading this - wouldn't it be better if I actually talked to you instead of you reading what I wrote?? :) maybe not.. hehe).

Don't worry everyone, I will keep blogging :) - I just won't be so blog-focussed from day to day. I do enjoy writing on this blog and I have become quite fond of it so I will definitely update it and give it the care and attention it deserves (which I now know is a little bit less that what I have been giving it haha). Maybe we'll try less quantity and more quality when it comes to posting (no promises about cutting out all the random stuff though - some things are SOOO random that I just have to share them). Hmmmm... maybe I might just keep my blogging habits as they are?... hahaha nah, just kidding.

OK, back to Mr Harris. Well as I was having a squizz at his blog, I came across some recent pictures of him hehehe - he looks quite different - I will call it Uncle Sonny syndrome :o hahaha. I also came across a link to a video on YouTube:

The video is about 8 minutes long and is about how our actions can be a stumbling block to the non-Christians who are trying to get to the cross. He makes some really good points and he seems like he is a pretty dynamic speaker too! Hope the video helps to open your eyes and encourages you to be the Christian that God wants you to be.

In the meantime, I am off to the heater to do some defrosting and reading. The reading hole is pretty cold on nights like these... even if I use my rug :o

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