Tuesday 29 January 2008

Stralya Day

On Australia Day, we had a 10am start as the Evangelism Committee met to have a meeting before the briefing for the Outreach later on that day. We prepared some food and spent the morning planning and praying. It was a good time of fellowship and though I didn't get much sleep the night before, I thank God that I still got up in the morning with high spirits and enough energy to last through the day.

Groups were divided randomly, allocated an area (City, South Perth and King's Park)for giving out the tracts, and were asked to come up with a memory verse for their group (each group had to include a keyword: South Perth = river, City = city, Kings Park = mountain). Our group got South Perth and though I really wanted to go to King's Park, South Perth ended up being alright in the end. We then broke off for lunch - mee hoon, all-you-can-drink Yeos and the fruit salad to end all fruit salads! After we had had our fill, we presented our plans to the other groups, spent some time in prayer and then went into the battlefield.

It was hot - but not as hot as last year (thank God). Our group used Juanita's apartment as our base (we had a fridge, fans and a toilet) which was great as it was pretty tiring trying to cover the sparsely populated, yet deep and wide (like the song!) area of the South Perth foreshore. In the end, we did OK - our only problem was that we didn't really plan out our timing through the day very well - and we ended up having quite a lot of leftovers (whereas the other groups actually ran out!). In our defence however, our area was, like I said before, HUGE with less people than usual (I think this has to do with everyone deciding to go on the new train line from Mandurah (which only stops in the city itself and not South Perth) to 'beat the traffic' - but it turns out that they ended up getting squished into the trains (Tokyo style) on the way home instead) and people seemed to come quite late to South Perth - at around 8ish they were still walking in).

On top of all the fun that we had, there were a few highlights...
- glowsticks were a hit (once again) - parents were really grateful (especially one lady who I suggested that she could use the glowstick to calm down her tanty-throwing toddler).

- people liked the quiz! Comments included: 'is this free?'; 'can I have one too?'; 'where were you three hours ago??'; 'oh great! we'll do this right now'; 'thanks! *and then to their friends* this is cool, I got one last year'; 'thanks! *and then after me telling them that it had a gospel message in it saying to their friends:* you guys should do this!'; 'Is this the Citizenship test?' to which I replied 'no, but it will help you study for it' and then they had a good laugh.

- walking past people who were doing the quiz - 'this is awesome guys! OK question 5, what animal shares the coat of arms with the kangaroo? The emu!! It's the emu!! That's definitely right, right??'... and.. 'I like aeroplane jelly! aeroplane jelly for meeee!'... and... 'OK, you won't get this one...'

- I tracted the Channel Ten reporter (it was nearly 5pm and I think he was getting ready to do a live cross).

- Yew Jin tracted a cop!

- getting awesome parking!

- HOT meehoon for dinner (courtesy of Juanita's microwave!)

AND.. after the outreach, we receive this today on the ichoselife blog:
To whom it may concern, I just wanted to encourage all those who were behind the Quiz handed out on Australia Day. We were present along with about 15 other youth from our church (Girrawheen Baptist). We just thought it was such a simple but effective way to spread the good news! Well done! :-)


- the fireworks! hahaha! It's true though, they were pretty average - and the music was dumb too (Vanessa Amarosi? Absolutely everybody hates that song!) - no Chinese music either (come on guys, play greek, scottish, watever else and no asian/african music??!? where's the love?)


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Tuesday 29 January 2008

Stralya Day

On Australia Day, we had a 10am start as the Evangelism Committee met to have a meeting before the briefing for the Outreach later on that day. We prepared some food and spent the morning planning and praying. It was a good time of fellowship and though I didn't get much sleep the night before, I thank God that I still got up in the morning with high spirits and enough energy to last through the day.

Groups were divided randomly, allocated an area (City, South Perth and King's Park)for giving out the tracts, and were asked to come up with a memory verse for their group (each group had to include a keyword: South Perth = river, City = city, Kings Park = mountain). Our group got South Perth and though I really wanted to go to King's Park, South Perth ended up being alright in the end. We then broke off for lunch - mee hoon, all-you-can-drink Yeos and the fruit salad to end all fruit salads! After we had had our fill, we presented our plans to the other groups, spent some time in prayer and then went into the battlefield.

It was hot - but not as hot as last year (thank God). Our group used Juanita's apartment as our base (we had a fridge, fans and a toilet) which was great as it was pretty tiring trying to cover the sparsely populated, yet deep and wide (like the song!) area of the South Perth foreshore. In the end, we did OK - our only problem was that we didn't really plan out our timing through the day very well - and we ended up having quite a lot of leftovers (whereas the other groups actually ran out!). In our defence however, our area was, like I said before, HUGE with less people than usual (I think this has to do with everyone deciding to go on the new train line from Mandurah (which only stops in the city itself and not South Perth) to 'beat the traffic' - but it turns out that they ended up getting squished into the trains (Tokyo style) on the way home instead) and people seemed to come quite late to South Perth - at around 8ish they were still walking in).

On top of all the fun that we had, there were a few highlights...
- glowsticks were a hit (once again) - parents were really grateful (especially one lady who I suggested that she could use the glowstick to calm down her tanty-throwing toddler).

- people liked the quiz! Comments included: 'is this free?'; 'can I have one too?'; 'where were you three hours ago??'; 'oh great! we'll do this right now'; 'thanks! *and then to their friends* this is cool, I got one last year'; 'thanks! *and then after me telling them that it had a gospel message in it saying to their friends:* you guys should do this!'; 'Is this the Citizenship test?' to which I replied 'no, but it will help you study for it' and then they had a good laugh.

- walking past people who were doing the quiz - 'this is awesome guys! OK question 5, what animal shares the coat of arms with the kangaroo? The emu!! It's the emu!! That's definitely right, right??'... and.. 'I like aeroplane jelly! aeroplane jelly for meeee!'... and... 'OK, you won't get this one...'

- I tracted the Channel Ten reporter (it was nearly 5pm and I think he was getting ready to do a live cross).

- Yew Jin tracted a cop!

- getting awesome parking!

- HOT meehoon for dinner (courtesy of Juanita's microwave!)

AND.. after the outreach, we receive this today on the ichoselife blog:
To whom it may concern, I just wanted to encourage all those who were behind the Quiz handed out on Australia Day. We were present along with about 15 other youth from our church (Girrawheen Baptist). We just thought it was such a simple but effective way to spread the good news! Well done! :-)


- the fireworks! hahaha! It's true though, they were pretty average - and the music was dumb too (Vanessa Amarosi? Absolutely everybody hates that song!) - no Chinese music either (come on guys, play greek, scottish, watever else and no asian/african music??!? where's the love?)


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