Tuesday 1 July 2008

david attenborough

For the last few months, Monday nights have been special for me. Special because every Monday night, I will spend an hour with an Old English guy who loves animals and who also happens to be a knight.

I LOVE the hair! haha! Yes, it's Sir David Attenborough. I first started watching his documentary on reptiles which started about two months ago - Life in Cold Blood. I initially thought it wouldn't be that interesting because I don't really like reptiles (they're just, I dunno, slimy and gross), but it was actually quite fascinating! I saw frogs who put on 'sunscreen', lizards giving birth, snakes swimming, turtles mating (and in the process getting attacked by other turtles (!) I kid you not), and all sorts of crazy and remarkable things.

When that series had concluded, Channel 9 did the very clever thing of lining up more Attenborough documentaries. This time, the documentaries were on lions and tigers and bears (Oh My!). Spy cameras followed these animals and the viewer was able to get a glimpse into the private lives of each of theses animals - again it was fascinating. Attenborough is such a character - he gets so excited about animals, he talks to them, and loves to get up close and personal with them.

Last night, a new Attenborough series on mammals started - one of the highlights for me was seeing a foetus-like baby kangaroo emerge from it's mother (looked like the size of a reel of cotton), and then crawl up slowly to her abdomen and then into her pouch. It continued to stay in the pouch and suckled on Mum until it grew up into a joey 9 months later. It was only then that it emerged from the pouch. Crazy stuff... Great television!

God's creation never fails to make me stand in awe at His marvelous works! Every animal is so different to the the next, they have fascinating little habits, and the intelligent design of each creation has just so much planning behind it and as a result, the life processes it goes through can be completed with efficiency and effectiveness.

What I find most interesting when watching Attenborough, is that he knows each little feature on each little creature, he's able to comment on and explain how intelligently stuff just seems to work as well as how each animal has adapted to it's environment - yet he believes in evolution - a theory that maintains that life (in all it's diversity) happened by accident. On second thoughts, it's not so much interesting than it is a shame - he is surrounded by ample evidence supporting intelligent design, but fails to see the truth. David Attenborough needs to get in touch with Answers in Genesis!

The Answers in Genesis ministry has been a blessing to me. I remember back in 2003 (I think) when Ken Ham came to Perth to hold a talk about Genesis chapters 1 to 11. It was such a revelation for me as I had always believed in Creation, but could never really give much more of a rebuttal to evolutionists than my usual 'Oh yeah? Well where's your missing link?? I rest my case.' Hee hee. And to know that dinosaurs were mentioned in the Bible SPUN ME OUT! That night was the tip of the iceberg, as I have since been able to learn more about how to defend the faith when it comes to creation vs evolution. If you haven't come across this WONDERFUL resource, check out the Answers in Genesis website. I can't help but think how cool it would be if Ken Ham talked to David Attenborough, and Attenborough became a believer. I think that would be the start of a beautiful friendship!

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Tuesday 1 July 2008

david attenborough

For the last few months, Monday nights have been special for me. Special because every Monday night, I will spend an hour with an Old English guy who loves animals and who also happens to be a knight.

I LOVE the hair! haha! Yes, it's Sir David Attenborough. I first started watching his documentary on reptiles which started about two months ago - Life in Cold Blood. I initially thought it wouldn't be that interesting because I don't really like reptiles (they're just, I dunno, slimy and gross), but it was actually quite fascinating! I saw frogs who put on 'sunscreen', lizards giving birth, snakes swimming, turtles mating (and in the process getting attacked by other turtles (!) I kid you not), and all sorts of crazy and remarkable things.

When that series had concluded, Channel 9 did the very clever thing of lining up more Attenborough documentaries. This time, the documentaries were on lions and tigers and bears (Oh My!). Spy cameras followed these animals and the viewer was able to get a glimpse into the private lives of each of theses animals - again it was fascinating. Attenborough is such a character - he gets so excited about animals, he talks to them, and loves to get up close and personal with them.

Last night, a new Attenborough series on mammals started - one of the highlights for me was seeing a foetus-like baby kangaroo emerge from it's mother (looked like the size of a reel of cotton), and then crawl up slowly to her abdomen and then into her pouch. It continued to stay in the pouch and suckled on Mum until it grew up into a joey 9 months later. It was only then that it emerged from the pouch. Crazy stuff... Great television!

God's creation never fails to make me stand in awe at His marvelous works! Every animal is so different to the the next, they have fascinating little habits, and the intelligent design of each creation has just so much planning behind it and as a result, the life processes it goes through can be completed with efficiency and effectiveness.

What I find most interesting when watching Attenborough, is that he knows each little feature on each little creature, he's able to comment on and explain how intelligently stuff just seems to work as well as how each animal has adapted to it's environment - yet he believes in evolution - a theory that maintains that life (in all it's diversity) happened by accident. On second thoughts, it's not so much interesting than it is a shame - he is surrounded by ample evidence supporting intelligent design, but fails to see the truth. David Attenborough needs to get in touch with Answers in Genesis!

The Answers in Genesis ministry has been a blessing to me. I remember back in 2003 (I think) when Ken Ham came to Perth to hold a talk about Genesis chapters 1 to 11. It was such a revelation for me as I had always believed in Creation, but could never really give much more of a rebuttal to evolutionists than my usual 'Oh yeah? Well where's your missing link?? I rest my case.' Hee hee. And to know that dinosaurs were mentioned in the Bible SPUN ME OUT! That night was the tip of the iceberg, as I have since been able to learn more about how to defend the faith when it comes to creation vs evolution. If you haven't come across this WONDERFUL resource, check out the Answers in Genesis website. I can't help but think how cool it would be if Ken Ham talked to David Attenborough, and Attenborough became a believer. I think that would be the start of a beautiful friendship!

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