Saturday 5 July 2008

road trip

It wasn't too bad a day at work today. I had to go to Bunbury to do an assessment, it was going to be a long road trip and I didn't get much sleep the night before. So my Mum offered to come with me to keep me company (and to keep me awake). So the two of us had a little bit of an impromptu road trip - it felt like the weekend had come a day early!

The drive to Bunbury is quite a long one (around 2 hours each way - longer coming back due to traffic) and it can be quite boring sitting in the car with nothing but the radio to keep you company, so having Mum there to chat to about stuff was really good. We talked about all sorts of things including Europe, cancer, evangelism, the history of Abba (which is really quite interesting), and so many other really random things. We also had a bit of a singing session with Paul Colman and ate junkfood on the way there and back. It was great.

But what was really good was that before I got onto the Freeway, she prayed for me asking God that we would get there safely and on time and that I would have enough energy to do the work I needed to do. And we sure needed His help too, because the weather was really bad for some parts of the trip. At times, I could only just see where I was going! Scary stuff! So thank God for anwered prayers, and thank God for Mum praying the prayers!

The more I get older, the more I appreciate the times I have with my parents. They are getting older too and as they do, it always reminds me how short life is - and how much more we should be doing things like what we did today.

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Saturday 5 July 2008

road trip

It wasn't too bad a day at work today. I had to go to Bunbury to do an assessment, it was going to be a long road trip and I didn't get much sleep the night before. So my Mum offered to come with me to keep me company (and to keep me awake). So the two of us had a little bit of an impromptu road trip - it felt like the weekend had come a day early!

The drive to Bunbury is quite a long one (around 2 hours each way - longer coming back due to traffic) and it can be quite boring sitting in the car with nothing but the radio to keep you company, so having Mum there to chat to about stuff was really good. We talked about all sorts of things including Europe, cancer, evangelism, the history of Abba (which is really quite interesting), and so many other really random things. We also had a bit of a singing session with Paul Colman and ate junkfood on the way there and back. It was great.

But what was really good was that before I got onto the Freeway, she prayed for me asking God that we would get there safely and on time and that I would have enough energy to do the work I needed to do. And we sure needed His help too, because the weather was really bad for some parts of the trip. At times, I could only just see where I was going! Scary stuff! So thank God for anwered prayers, and thank God for Mum praying the prayers!

The more I get older, the more I appreciate the times I have with my parents. They are getting older too and as they do, it always reminds me how short life is - and how much more we should be doing things like what we did today.

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