Saturday 17 January 2009

screening the small screen

I went out today to get some DVDs. Yeah yeah, I know I'm not supposed to because of my resolutions and all, but technically it's not TV - it's movies! There I go justifying myself again..

The thing about getting DVDs out is that often, you don't really know what you are getting in to. Though they are all given ratings (G, PG, M, MA and R), and they tell you how much of each offensive bit of content has been included in the movie, I still find that often I get disappointed with the amount of vulgarity, unnecessary violence, sex, swearing, and all too often the lack of values, depth and morality of the proposed heroes and heroines. What's more disappointing is that the story line is so often predictable and boring.

Enter this website!

Christian Spotlight on Entertainment is a website that has Christian movie reviews of hundreds of different titles. Not only do they give a review about the movie, other Christians are able to share their own review about the movie after viewing it and are able to rate the amount of 'offensiveness' from their perspective as a Christian.

I had a bit of a browse of the website, and though I didn't always agree with the reviews and comments, I generally found it to be quite a helpful guide. The reviews often quantify how many times people swore (for example) and flagged scenes in the movie that a Christian should be aware of. You may think what is a Christian doing watching such obviously bad movies (I thought that!) but I guess it means if they did, then we don't have to - and I guess, even more so, is that we therefore have no excuse to say that we didn't know. If you ask me, I reckon it's much better than just going blindly into Hoyts or Civic Video and seeing or grabbing what 'looks pretty good'. Life is too short for bad movies!

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Saturday 17 January 2009

screening the small screen

I went out today to get some DVDs. Yeah yeah, I know I'm not supposed to because of my resolutions and all, but technically it's not TV - it's movies! There I go justifying myself again..

The thing about getting DVDs out is that often, you don't really know what you are getting in to. Though they are all given ratings (G, PG, M, MA and R), and they tell you how much of each offensive bit of content has been included in the movie, I still find that often I get disappointed with the amount of vulgarity, unnecessary violence, sex, swearing, and all too often the lack of values, depth and morality of the proposed heroes and heroines. What's more disappointing is that the story line is so often predictable and boring.

Enter this website!

Christian Spotlight on Entertainment is a website that has Christian movie reviews of hundreds of different titles. Not only do they give a review about the movie, other Christians are able to share their own review about the movie after viewing it and are able to rate the amount of 'offensiveness' from their perspective as a Christian.

I had a bit of a browse of the website, and though I didn't always agree with the reviews and comments, I generally found it to be quite a helpful guide. The reviews often quantify how many times people swore (for example) and flagged scenes in the movie that a Christian should be aware of. You may think what is a Christian doing watching such obviously bad movies (I thought that!) but I guess it means if they did, then we don't have to - and I guess, even more so, is that we therefore have no excuse to say that we didn't know. If you ask me, I reckon it's much better than just going blindly into Hoyts or Civic Video and seeing or grabbing what 'looks pretty good'. Life is too short for bad movies!

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