Wednesday 25 July 2007

an apology: it's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt

The Regeneration INTBRUTEBARQN (Inaugural Never To Be Repeated Unless The Event Becomes Annual Regeneration Quiz Night) was on last Friday night. It was my turn to run the program for the night, and I had to come up with something 'fun' in the space of a week - quite the challenge really...

I decided to do a Quiz Night (INTBRUTEBARQN) which was really fun to organise and (thank God) generally well received by the Regennies... But it was all fun and games until somebody got hurt - and that person was Mr Shaun Rodricks.

So I just wanted to say sorry to Shauny for organising the games which led to the demise of his ankle. Another brother, who was also running down the stairs to get an umbrella to score a measly point for his team, let's call him - Minh, saw 'the incident'. It went a little something like this...

While running down the stairs with a group of over-zealous brothers to source an umbrella from the church foyer, poor Shauny stacked it and came crashing down - falling through the white sliding doors. I believe he not only hurt his ankle, but looked up from where he had fallen to see Pastor Ed who was standing on the other side of the doors. I have been told by this other brother, who we will just identify as - Mr Ly, that... well... let's just say, Pastor Ed probably was not very impressed at the performance.

Sources at Prayer Meeting tell me that the ankle has been fractured. Crap. Sorry buddy. Hope it heals really quickly and you will get back to running to get umbrellas etc really soon. =)

As for the group of 'friends' last night at Prayer Meeting who tried to make me feel 'better', when I told them that I was racked with guilt after finding out about Shauny's ankle's fate - I forgive YOU!

That is all.

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Wednesday 25 July 2007

an apology: it's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt

The Regeneration INTBRUTEBARQN (Inaugural Never To Be Repeated Unless The Event Becomes Annual Regeneration Quiz Night) was on last Friday night. It was my turn to run the program for the night, and I had to come up with something 'fun' in the space of a week - quite the challenge really...

I decided to do a Quiz Night (INTBRUTEBARQN) which was really fun to organise and (thank God) generally well received by the Regennies... But it was all fun and games until somebody got hurt - and that person was Mr Shaun Rodricks.

So I just wanted to say sorry to Shauny for organising the games which led to the demise of his ankle. Another brother, who was also running down the stairs to get an umbrella to score a measly point for his team, let's call him - Minh, saw 'the incident'. It went a little something like this...

While running down the stairs with a group of over-zealous brothers to source an umbrella from the church foyer, poor Shauny stacked it and came crashing down - falling through the white sliding doors. I believe he not only hurt his ankle, but looked up from where he had fallen to see Pastor Ed who was standing on the other side of the doors. I have been told by this other brother, who we will just identify as - Mr Ly, that... well... let's just say, Pastor Ed probably was not very impressed at the performance.

Sources at Prayer Meeting tell me that the ankle has been fractured. Crap. Sorry buddy. Hope it heals really quickly and you will get back to running to get umbrellas etc really soon. =)

As for the group of 'friends' last night at Prayer Meeting who tried to make me feel 'better', when I told them that I was racked with guilt after finding out about Shauny's ankle's fate - I forgive YOU!

That is all.

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