Tuesday 10 July 2007

looking back

It's kinda nice to look back at the last couple of months and just reflect on the things that have happened.

I had a browse back at my previous posts and just reflected on the feelings that I had felt, the experiences I had, the thoughts I thought and most importantly, the lessons I had learnt. There were some funny things that happened along the way but as random as they were, I am just glad that I had them (as well as all the meaningful stuff) all recorded on my humble little blog.

I guess that was the main appeal of blogging for me when I first decided that I was going to join the hardcore Internet community by launching an online platform for my thoughts. A big-mouthed-Christian actually gave me the idea of using a blog to record spiritual lessons (btw - thanks vicks). I had tried journals in the past, but because I can be a bit of a perfectionist at times, all the crossing out and ripping out of pages made me realise that a blog (with the option of going back and editing what I had originally written) was the wiser way to go.

Even though I am quite random a lot of the time, I have found that that I have started to really think more about things that happen in my life and I have tried to find out what God is trying to show me about myself or even, at times, Himself. It has really been a blessing for me and I have also enjoyed it too. What's encouraging is that some of you out there are enjoying it too - because the counter actually changes every time I come back to add another blog entry! Wow! You guys make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside haha..

I think it's really great the way that God has built each one of us with a desire to learn, improve, seek, and discover. It really makes life so much more enjoyable and interesting hey? It never ceases to amaze me just how much God has programmed into us as creatures. We are so complex within ourselves - we feel, react, think, cry, love, encourage, learn, feel compassion, comfort, care for, desire, we cherish, imitate, radiate, are driven, strive, help others, get angry, scheme, get excited, get scared, imagine, create, debate, write, read, paint, play, blog =), feel joy, mourn, inspire, get inspired, appreciate, get discouraged, feel lonely, dream, reminisce, sing, dance, observe, study, and so much more.

Life lived knowing that your Creator, who has planned everything so well so far, is so much easier to live. It's exciting too. I know that what God has in store for me will be the best, and I am looking forward to it - come what may.

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Tuesday 10 July 2007

looking back

It's kinda nice to look back at the last couple of months and just reflect on the things that have happened.

I had a browse back at my previous posts and just reflected on the feelings that I had felt, the experiences I had, the thoughts I thought and most importantly, the lessons I had learnt. There were some funny things that happened along the way but as random as they were, I am just glad that I had them (as well as all the meaningful stuff) all recorded on my humble little blog.

I guess that was the main appeal of blogging for me when I first decided that I was going to join the hardcore Internet community by launching an online platform for my thoughts. A big-mouthed-Christian actually gave me the idea of using a blog to record spiritual lessons (btw - thanks vicks). I had tried journals in the past, but because I can be a bit of a perfectionist at times, all the crossing out and ripping out of pages made me realise that a blog (with the option of going back and editing what I had originally written) was the wiser way to go.

Even though I am quite random a lot of the time, I have found that that I have started to really think more about things that happen in my life and I have tried to find out what God is trying to show me about myself or even, at times, Himself. It has really been a blessing for me and I have also enjoyed it too. What's encouraging is that some of you out there are enjoying it too - because the counter actually changes every time I come back to add another blog entry! Wow! You guys make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside haha..

I think it's really great the way that God has built each one of us with a desire to learn, improve, seek, and discover. It really makes life so much more enjoyable and interesting hey? It never ceases to amaze me just how much God has programmed into us as creatures. We are so complex within ourselves - we feel, react, think, cry, love, encourage, learn, feel compassion, comfort, care for, desire, we cherish, imitate, radiate, are driven, strive, help others, get angry, scheme, get excited, get scared, imagine, create, debate, write, read, paint, play, blog =), feel joy, mourn, inspire, get inspired, appreciate, get discouraged, feel lonely, dream, reminisce, sing, dance, observe, study, and so much more.

Life lived knowing that your Creator, who has planned everything so well so far, is so much easier to live. It's exciting too. I know that what God has in store for me will be the best, and I am looking forward to it - come what may.

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