Monday 20 August 2007

sunday school bootcamp

To me, Sunday School is one of the most important ministries in the church - it was, after all, one of biggest contributing factors to my own salvation. A child-like faith to most people seems like something that is superficial and the result of brain-washing, but for me, it was the foundation to how I became the Christian I am today.

Growing up going to Public Schools and learning in a secular education system, Sunday School gave me the unshakable understanding of what the Bible taught to combat what I was being taught at school. When my poor Human Biol teacher tried to teach me about Evolution, I wouldn't have a bar of it - and subsequently made him earn his salary for that year of teaching - hehe. Sunday School also gave me an ethical and moral grounding that was supported by my Christian parents. It helped me pull through my 'rebellious teenage years' and use my own free will to choose to follow Christ rather than seek after what the world had to offer.

In my Spiritual Life, it gave me a head start in Basic Bible Knowledge, and not only came in handy during Bible Quizzes, but also in my every day life. When situations came up in my life, I could reflect on people in the Bible who faced similar situations and be encouraged by what God did to help them. Knowing that God has an awesome track record of helping people in such situations, it reminded me that He will be there and will do something similar to help me.

So I guess when I was approached about three or so years ago to start teaching Sunday School, I saw it as a great opportunity to have the same kind of impact that so many of my Sunday School teachers had on me, on the youngins in church. Teaching Sunday School is not only really entertaining (the kids never fail to make me laugh with the crazy things they say and do), it is challenging, rewarding and enjoyable. What makes it great too is seeing them enjoy Sunday School - which wasn't the case all the time when I was in Sunday School. Plus, it was always that little bit cooler, for me anyways, when we got taught by one of the 'young people' rather than one of the aunties (not that there was anything wrong with the aunties, they were all so nice and sweet... but having people closer to our age was always that little bit more special!).

At the moment, there are a few young people helping out with Sunday School, but let's face it, there could be a lot more. There is a need for more people with new ideas and enthusiasm to get the kids more excited about Sunday School, and Lord willing, bring their friends and siblings to church too! You can help in heaps of different areas - teaching, assisting, leading songs, playing guitar or piano, helping with art and craft, leading games, inviting the kids you know to church, or even just being the gor gors and jie jies the littlies look up to as role models.

So with that, I just wanted to encourage all who read this blog to consider coming along to the Sunday School Bootcamp (hardly a bootcamp - it's only 3 hours of sitting there listening to Pastor Ed) - even if you have never taught Sunday School and are just interested to hear what goes on, come! Even if the thought has merely crossed your mind, come and find out more! You're not locking yourself into anything by coming along - but you will never never know if you never never go. Hope to see you there :)

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Monday 20 August 2007

sunday school bootcamp

To me, Sunday School is one of the most important ministries in the church - it was, after all, one of biggest contributing factors to my own salvation. A child-like faith to most people seems like something that is superficial and the result of brain-washing, but for me, it was the foundation to how I became the Christian I am today.

Growing up going to Public Schools and learning in a secular education system, Sunday School gave me the unshakable understanding of what the Bible taught to combat what I was being taught at school. When my poor Human Biol teacher tried to teach me about Evolution, I wouldn't have a bar of it - and subsequently made him earn his salary for that year of teaching - hehe. Sunday School also gave me an ethical and moral grounding that was supported by my Christian parents. It helped me pull through my 'rebellious teenage years' and use my own free will to choose to follow Christ rather than seek after what the world had to offer.

In my Spiritual Life, it gave me a head start in Basic Bible Knowledge, and not only came in handy during Bible Quizzes, but also in my every day life. When situations came up in my life, I could reflect on people in the Bible who faced similar situations and be encouraged by what God did to help them. Knowing that God has an awesome track record of helping people in such situations, it reminded me that He will be there and will do something similar to help me.

So I guess when I was approached about three or so years ago to start teaching Sunday School, I saw it as a great opportunity to have the same kind of impact that so many of my Sunday School teachers had on me, on the youngins in church. Teaching Sunday School is not only really entertaining (the kids never fail to make me laugh with the crazy things they say and do), it is challenging, rewarding and enjoyable. What makes it great too is seeing them enjoy Sunday School - which wasn't the case all the time when I was in Sunday School. Plus, it was always that little bit cooler, for me anyways, when we got taught by one of the 'young people' rather than one of the aunties (not that there was anything wrong with the aunties, they were all so nice and sweet... but having people closer to our age was always that little bit more special!).

At the moment, there are a few young people helping out with Sunday School, but let's face it, there could be a lot more. There is a need for more people with new ideas and enthusiasm to get the kids more excited about Sunday School, and Lord willing, bring their friends and siblings to church too! You can help in heaps of different areas - teaching, assisting, leading songs, playing guitar or piano, helping with art and craft, leading games, inviting the kids you know to church, or even just being the gor gors and jie jies the littlies look up to as role models.

So with that, I just wanted to encourage all who read this blog to consider coming along to the Sunday School Bootcamp (hardly a bootcamp - it's only 3 hours of sitting there listening to Pastor Ed) - even if you have never taught Sunday School and are just interested to hear what goes on, come! Even if the thought has merely crossed your mind, come and find out more! You're not locking yourself into anything by coming along - but you will never never know if you never never go. Hope to see you there :)

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