Saturday 18 August 2007

boaz meets girl

Tonight at Regen we did a DHW Bible Study on Ruth Chapter 2. Hehehe... Trust Regen to pick the love story book! Just Kidding... Better quit that before I get busted by the Committee :P

Chapter 2 is the bit where Boaz meets Ruth - the great love story in the Bible. So it was an interesting one to look at. The sisters split into our own group and we talked at length about Boaz's motive of being so nice to Ruth. I thought it was pretty clear that Boaz thought Ruth was pretty cute and was being nice to her because of that so I was actually quite surprised that a lot of the girls thought that Boaz was just being nice. I mean, the Bible doesn't say what his intentions were but c'mon... Boaz was soooooo interested in Ruth! You don't just single some one out and (a) ask about her as soon as you see her, (b) tell the other fellas around her to stay away from her, (c) give instructions to leave extra barley for her to glean, (d) invite her out to dinner and then (d) give her heaps of food to eat. Boaz had a thing for Ruth - full on!

To be honest, when all the other girls thought Boaz was just being nice, I kinda felt a bit alone with my own outspoken opinion (a feeling I am all too familiar with)... And then I started to think Hmmm, maybe Boaz WAS being a nice boss and being caring in a totally not-interested-in-Ruth-at-all-kinda way. But that was until I asked what the guys thought about Boaz's actions. I think Adrian's exact words were 'Boaz had game' hahaha.. I think it's so funny how guys and girls can think so differently.

Again, the Bible doesn't say what Boaz's intentions were, but the fact remains that even if Boaz was interested in Ruth and was being nice to her in an attempt to pursue her, there's not actually anything wrong with that! Boaz was, after all, human and Ruth was, after all, one pretty hot damsel (Hehehe I love how the KJV calls Ruth a damsel - love it). And really, it was God's plan for the two of them to end up together.

What's funny is that the one story has so many different interpretations - you have the Regen sisters saying that Boaz was just being nice, the Regen lads saying that Boaz 'had game' and then another article that I read recently that Ruth was the one who was workin' it. The article was in Boundless (Christian Webzine) and it was about women making their intentions known to guys. It was called 'Pulling a Ruth'. I don't agree with it completely (I reckon the guy should be the one that initiates), but here is a bit of the article that explains how Ruth erm, pulled a Ruth...

Mary responded matter-of-factly: “Sometimes you have to ‘Pull a Ruth.’”

“What’s that?” I asked.

Mary went on to tell us the story of Ruth — one of two women to get her own book of the Bible. Set in the time of Judges — some of Israel’s darkest days — Ruth left her homeland and her dead husband and headed to a foreign country with her mother-in-law. Once there, she found that her prospects for marriage were pretty slim.

Then she saw Boaz — a wealthy hunk — who just happened to be available and related to Ruth’s mother-in-law. For Ruth, Boaz was the most eligible bachelor around.

Not content to just wait for Boaz to take notice of her, Ruth’s mother-in-law encouraged her to place herself in Boaz’s path. Ruth went to Boaz’s threshing floor and covered herself with his cloak: That was the Old Testament way of saying “I’m available.”

She made her intentions known — that she wanted to get married — and it worked. Not only did she get a husband, she got God’s blessing and a baby named Obed who became the grandfather of King David and a direct ancestor of Jesus.

Interesting... Just another story of Boaz Meets Girl... Or Ruth's story, I Kissed Gleaning Goodbye! hahahah - I am so funny - a legend in my own lunch box :P

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Saturday 18 August 2007

boaz meets girl

Tonight at Regen we did a DHW Bible Study on Ruth Chapter 2. Hehehe... Trust Regen to pick the love story book! Just Kidding... Better quit that before I get busted by the Committee :P

Chapter 2 is the bit where Boaz meets Ruth - the great love story in the Bible. So it was an interesting one to look at. The sisters split into our own group and we talked at length about Boaz's motive of being so nice to Ruth. I thought it was pretty clear that Boaz thought Ruth was pretty cute and was being nice to her because of that so I was actually quite surprised that a lot of the girls thought that Boaz was just being nice. I mean, the Bible doesn't say what his intentions were but c'mon... Boaz was soooooo interested in Ruth! You don't just single some one out and (a) ask about her as soon as you see her, (b) tell the other fellas around her to stay away from her, (c) give instructions to leave extra barley for her to glean, (d) invite her out to dinner and then (d) give her heaps of food to eat. Boaz had a thing for Ruth - full on!

To be honest, when all the other girls thought Boaz was just being nice, I kinda felt a bit alone with my own outspoken opinion (a feeling I am all too familiar with)... And then I started to think Hmmm, maybe Boaz WAS being a nice boss and being caring in a totally not-interested-in-Ruth-at-all-kinda way. But that was until I asked what the guys thought about Boaz's actions. I think Adrian's exact words were 'Boaz had game' hahaha.. I think it's so funny how guys and girls can think so differently.

Again, the Bible doesn't say what Boaz's intentions were, but the fact remains that even if Boaz was interested in Ruth and was being nice to her in an attempt to pursue her, there's not actually anything wrong with that! Boaz was, after all, human and Ruth was, after all, one pretty hot damsel (Hehehe I love how the KJV calls Ruth a damsel - love it). And really, it was God's plan for the two of them to end up together.

What's funny is that the one story has so many different interpretations - you have the Regen sisters saying that Boaz was just being nice, the Regen lads saying that Boaz 'had game' and then another article that I read recently that Ruth was the one who was workin' it. The article was in Boundless (Christian Webzine) and it was about women making their intentions known to guys. It was called 'Pulling a Ruth'. I don't agree with it completely (I reckon the guy should be the one that initiates), but here is a bit of the article that explains how Ruth erm, pulled a Ruth...

Mary responded matter-of-factly: “Sometimes you have to ‘Pull a Ruth.’”

“What’s that?” I asked.

Mary went on to tell us the story of Ruth — one of two women to get her own book of the Bible. Set in the time of Judges — some of Israel’s darkest days — Ruth left her homeland and her dead husband and headed to a foreign country with her mother-in-law. Once there, she found that her prospects for marriage were pretty slim.

Then she saw Boaz — a wealthy hunk — who just happened to be available and related to Ruth’s mother-in-law. For Ruth, Boaz was the most eligible bachelor around.

Not content to just wait for Boaz to take notice of her, Ruth’s mother-in-law encouraged her to place herself in Boaz’s path. Ruth went to Boaz’s threshing floor and covered herself with his cloak: That was the Old Testament way of saying “I’m available.”

She made her intentions known — that she wanted to get married — and it worked. Not only did she get a husband, she got God’s blessing and a baby named Obed who became the grandfather of King David and a direct ancestor of Jesus.

Interesting... Just another story of Boaz Meets Girl... Or Ruth's story, I Kissed Gleaning Goodbye! hahahah - I am so funny - a legend in my own lunch box :P

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