Monday 23 April 2007

my little reading hole

I decided about one month or so ago that I was going to rearrange my room to make it more livable and in the process I ended up with a little hole of nothing between my desk and my wardrobe - it looked a bit odd and I was a tad disappointed that after all my lugging of furniture, there was a big ol hole. It was not until I realised that one thing that I had been meaning to do more of this year was to read the Bible more and to get back into reading spiritual books. So I decided to convert my hole of nothingness to my hole of reading. It's not that glamarous, and it has a dumb name that I only thought of 5 minutes ago, but I like it. I started using it for the first time tonight and it was great!

Now that I have a place for it, I quite like reading. My dad has always encouraged me from a young age to read and I think when I was younger I used to read quite a bit. But in recent years I have read less and in the past year, I think I have hardly read at all. I'm kinda bad tho, because I start reading like 10 books and never finish any of them. Right now, I'm alright - I have about 5 books going and the Bible - and in the Bible I am reading through Matthew only, rather than trying to read several books at a time (it gets confusing when you do this!)

that's my hole!

My hole is equipped with a comfy beanbag, a little side table, books, Bible, journal and pens/highlighters. Hopefully it will continue to be a reading hole and not the dust-covered hole of neglected-reading.

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Monday 23 April 2007

my little reading hole

I decided about one month or so ago that I was going to rearrange my room to make it more livable and in the process I ended up with a little hole of nothing between my desk and my wardrobe - it looked a bit odd and I was a tad disappointed that after all my lugging of furniture, there was a big ol hole. It was not until I realised that one thing that I had been meaning to do more of this year was to read the Bible more and to get back into reading spiritual books. So I decided to convert my hole of nothingness to my hole of reading. It's not that glamarous, and it has a dumb name that I only thought of 5 minutes ago, but I like it. I started using it for the first time tonight and it was great!

Now that I have a place for it, I quite like reading. My dad has always encouraged me from a young age to read and I think when I was younger I used to read quite a bit. But in recent years I have read less and in the past year, I think I have hardly read at all. I'm kinda bad tho, because I start reading like 10 books and never finish any of them. Right now, I'm alright - I have about 5 books going and the Bible - and in the Bible I am reading through Matthew only, rather than trying to read several books at a time (it gets confusing when you do this!)

that's my hole!

My hole is equipped with a comfy beanbag, a little side table, books, Bible, journal and pens/highlighters. Hopefully it will continue to be a reading hole and not the dust-covered hole of neglected-reading.

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